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时间:2024-12-25 23:31 阅读数:4548人阅读

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rein in用法详解:掌握这个词的正确使用,提升你的英语表达you stop it or cause it to go more slowly by pulling its reins. The horsemen reined in and shouted at the men behind to turn back. 骑手们勒缰停住,对身后的人大嚷,让他们回去。 2.引申为控制;约束 To rein in something means to control it. His administration's economic policy would focus on r...

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∩▽∩ 了不起的甲骨文丨甲骨文双语小学堂本义不表示“女子”,而是表示母亲面向婴儿,把他抱或举在胸前的形象。The oracle bone script form of “好 ”does not mean the Chinese word “女子(woman)”in its original meaning, but represents the image of a mother facing her baby and holding the baby in her arms or on her chest.(...

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(-__-)b 提案内容显示 iPad 版谷歌 Chrome 浏览器将支持分组标签页选项这表明距离在 iPad 上推出该功能已经不远了。该提案名为“Tab-groups-on-iPad”,IT之家翻译说明部分内容如下:用户如果启用 tab-groups-in-grid 实验性 Flag,可以在 iPad 上创建标签组。现在,这个标志看起来像是一个功能标志或配置设置,这可能意味着分组和管理标签页的功能即将登...


