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wikipedia generation

时间:2023-05-29 14:01 阅读数:8234人阅读

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Wikipedia as an Academic Reference:Faculty and Student Viewpointshowever,Wikipedia is one of the most popular sites on the Internet today.As its popularity increases,andMETHOD FOR CHINESE CONCEPT EMBEDDING GENERATION BASED ON WIKIPEDIA LINK STRUCTUREThe present invention discloses a method and a device for Chinese concept embedding generation based on Wikipedia link structure.The method includes:Step(1):According to the title 。

User interest profile identification using Wikipedia knowledge databaseWikipedia Category Network(WCN)nodes are used to identify a web page topic and estimate user's interest profile.Wikipedia is the largest contents knowledge database and updated User contribution and trust in WikipediaWikipedia's overall quality has often been questioned as a source of reliable information.Lack of study of the open editing model of Wikipedia and its effectiveness has resulted in。

METHOD AND DEVICE FOR CHINESE CONCEPT EMBEDDING GENERATION BASED ON WIKIPEDIA LINK STRUCTUREA method and a device for Chinese concept embedding generation based on Wikipedia link structure includes:Step(1):According to the title concepts and/or link concepts in Chinese Supervised Query Modeling Using WikipediaWe use Wikipedia articles to semantically inform the generation of query models.To this end,we apply supervised machine learning to automatically link queries to Wikipedia articles。

Improving Wikipedia's Credibility:References and Citations in a Sample of History Articlesone response would be to declare Wikipedia unsuitable for serious reference work.But another option emerges when we jettison technological determinism and look at Wikipedia as a Automated News Suggestions for Populating Wikipedia Entity Pagesas a precursor,to Wikipedia page generation andknowledge-base acceleration tasks that rely on relevant and high quality inputsources.We propose a two-stage supervised approach for 。

[ACL22-Findings]Entity Profile Generation for Wikipedia Entity Linking(Lai et al,2022)阅读笔记_涂卡的博客-CSDN博客Improving Candidate Retrieval with Entity Profile Generation for Wikidata Entity Linking[pdf] 论文状态:被ACL22-Findings接收作者:UIUC的Tuan Lai,Heng Ji,ChengXiang Zhai TL;DR:Enhancing Relation Extraction by Eliciting Selectional Constraint Features from Wikipediawe propose a novel approach to extracting relation instances using the features elicited from Wikipedia,a free online encyclopedia.The features are represented as selectional 。

